понедельник, 30 апреля 2012 г.

Problem and Perspective Macao

Discussion of perspectives and ideas on the application of Paul Ramer, for our city Macau, I can see tendency of amazing contrast between the well-preserved historic buildings on one side and the old urban housing on the other hand, these five or six floor buildings with poor sewage system worn out and lack of parking. Macau Government has set a goal to restore these areas through the creation of new high-rise community that will include school parks underground parking for cars and motorcycles of course in my opinion it is an experiment and it will take years for the fact that these buildings would be justified.Search for new homes for those who will be out of old is mixed areas is a big problem for the government watching the rapid development of high-rises are only a few have become available and the rest is simply empty and their chances for settlement are very small. This slow progress of reconstruction increases the gap between rich and poor. In response to growing private and foreign investment in urban land for public buildings, may no longer be under the control of municipal authorities. Land for public buildings can be developed for commercial offices and hotels, and bring higher profits to government agencies and state enterprises, which intend to make more money, leaving a shortage of land for other public buildings.to meet the requirements of society as a sporting, cultural, and recreational facilities. If the land will be given for the construction of offices, hotels and casinos, you will have fewer opportunities to use and residential buildings and places of public demand (sport, culture, recreation), I would hope that the orderly and effective development of land can be achieved by avoiding incompatible land uses in the wrong places.

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