воскресенье, 6 мая 2012 г.

results of the study and possible measures to enhance learning organization Cirque du Soleil

Learning Organization Scores Summary

Based on this timetable, my company in the data indicators increased in the column leadership is 60% and the lower figure is in contrast to the learning process percentage is 68%. Education environment is low compared with other indicators. From this you can create one conclusion that the basis for evaluation of organization info and more significant is the process of improving the quality of study.To improve the quality work of the company in my opinion should focus on raising the level learning environment by making changes to the policy leadership of my company

Concrete Learning Processes and Practices

This column shows that the processes of learning and practice in my company paid enough attention in my opinion this is due to increased competitive and technological improvements in this environment increases the consumer market. The company pays enough attention to experimentation and technical innovation while at the risk, but based on past experience.
  Supportive Learning Environment  
In the study of maintaining the environment the company made ​​a number of errors. As we can see from the data graphs indicators are quite low. New ideas took a lot of time and change that took place very slowly in the local market and increased competition had a negative impact on the company. For successful companies need to conduct more detailed studies of the local market and consumer demand will help find ways for further development and growth.

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