понедельник, 16 апреля 2012 г.

“Leaders Resolve Contradiction”(COKA-COLA)

  • Describe the problem
  • 1 During this period there were changes in market conditions, including the social unrest of Racial Discrimination, with the support MLK
    expressed public support for workers' strike, which would impact on the businessmen problem and planned dinner in honor of MLK Award. Dinner has been arranged for the congress of businessmen in southern states became in danger.

  • Explain the contradictions involved
  •  2. Part of public opinion on the one hand and lack of support from the MLC and the business community that the admission of the strikers were right in their demands would be construed as a betrayal of MLC in the business community
  • Describe the viewpoints of the various stakeholders
  •  3. as the MLK has positioned strikers it was beneficial to their religious communities interested in a given that MLK was a Christian. The participation of businessmen in support of the dinner was a good opportunity to improve its image in the community and the activists who organized a dinner

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