вторник, 24 апреля 2012 г.

Core Competence + Competitive Advantage

Based on the given case,  of CIRQUE DU SOLEIL includes the management and their employees and staffs. Their main competencies are the ability of the management to determine the possible demands of their target audiences in terms artistic entertainment. Ensuring the quality of their performances shown for their target audiences is another core competency of the company over their rival companies.

In addition, the ability of the company to efficiently control all its resources from their human, physical, and financial resources is another core competency that can be attributed to the management of CIRQUE.  The employees and staffs who are highly motivated and devoted to perform well during their performances are other important aspects for assuring the success of the company to enter Chinese audiences.  The highly trained performers are also a leap against their competitors. In this regard, the company has been able to gain loyal audiences from different parts of the world.  In addition, the marketing personnel of the CIRQUE have the ability to think of the most effective ways to market and promote their shows.

From the core competence aspects, one of the strengths of the company is their fast and intensive transfer of operational capabilities across the expanded markets, which allow the company to benefit from learning curve, operational and other cost reduction benefits. In addition, the company also has the ability to develop new innovative solutions to meet changing demand of the audiences at different parts of the world. From the portfolio perspective, the core competencies of the company are its experience of international operations.

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