понедельник, 30 апреля 2012 г.

Problem and Perspective Macao

Discussion of perspectives and ideas on the application of Paul Ramer, for our city Macau, I can see tendency of amazing contrast between the well-preserved historic buildings on one side and the old urban housing on the other hand, these five or six floor buildings with poor sewage system worn out and lack of parking. Macau Government has set a goal to restore these areas through the creation of new high-rise community that will include school parks underground parking for cars and motorcycles of course in my opinion it is an experiment and it will take years for the fact that these buildings would be justified.Search for new homes for those who will be out of old is mixed areas is a big problem for the government watching the rapid development of high-rises are only a few have become available and the rest is simply empty and their chances for settlement are very small. This slow progress of reconstruction increases the gap between rich and poor. In response to growing private and foreign investment in urban land for public buildings, may no longer be under the control of municipal authorities. Land for public buildings can be developed for commercial offices and hotels, and bring higher profits to government agencies and state enterprises, which intend to make more money, leaving a shortage of land for other public buildings.to meet the requirements of society as a sporting, cultural, and recreational facilities. If the land will be given for the construction of offices, hotels and casinos, you will have fewer opportunities to use and residential buildings and places of public demand (sport, culture, recreation), I would hope that the orderly and effective development of land can be achieved by avoiding incompatible land uses in the wrong places.

воскресенье, 29 апреля 2012 г.


In my opinion describing the problem in Macau, I think that the important problem is traffic on the roads, the use of personal automobiles and failure to use the public transport
Due to the high population density and small territory of Macau in near future it will be a serious problem for residents

In my opinion, need to raise tariffs for the use of private cars, to services ,the payment for the use of municipal roads and bridges connecting the island of Macau to introduce the high fee and taxes at the entrance transport from China to raise taxes on fuel for private car owners

increase of tax on private transport significantly affect the discharge of the roads in Macau at the same time increasing the level of public transport and making it more available for residents of Macao which will reduce traffic on the roads will improve the ecological environment, and parking lots

вторник, 24 апреля 2012 г.

swot analys

As compared to the industry competitors of CIRQUE DE SOLEIL, the company has been able to preserve their artistic tradition and promote their talents and performances to international market. Having talented employees are the major strength of the company against their competitors. Hence, CIRQUE will have the assurance of gaining customer loyalty and have a good reputation
.vast variety of staff available at all times
not controlled by budgetary constraints but motivated simply by creativity
corporate sponsorships
strong history of successful shows
strong history of lucrative shows
tons of internal staff=creater control
Entertainment industry today has been able to gain competitive position in the business market. However, the problem with this kind of business is that the emergence of competitors has immediate effect to the performance. In line with However, the problem with this is that the emergence of competitors has an effect to the performance of the company. In line with CIRQUE DE SOLEIL, the company is facing some weaknesses, and one of their weaknesses is in terms of their story. Accordingly, the intensity as well as the beauty of the performances of the talents of Cirque overshadows any other stories and some audiences may view this as nonsense ( 2008). this may affect the competitive position of the company in the chinese market or any international market. In addition, another weakness is their inability to manage and promote their business in any other medium of advertisements
.dependant upon internal employees
human resource costs must be exponentially high
must re-invent certian aspects of the industry
only two visionaries control the company
must produce their own costumes

Since CIRQUE DE SOLEIL is not that familiar with the local Chinese market, conceptualizations of the value propositions of their performances and entertainment are highly in synch with the traditional culture and entertainment in the Chinese market. In this regard, marketing approach come relatively easier to CIRQUE DE SOLEIL management to enter Chinese market to reach their target market easily. Such market situation should be taken advantage by the management to gain competitive edge against other entertainment industries, which are performing in China.
 bisness partners absorb production costs
business partners ofhen provide location to perform
large database of skilled employees thatcan be called upon
evry show has proven profitable over the long-term
In terms of the threats, one of the threats facing Cirque is with regards to the expenses and the inability to provide enough financial resources for each performance to be made within the specific market place. Aside from these, the threat of the exiting entertainment company may also affect the market entrants of Cirque at Chinese market.dependency upon partners to finance shows
strong dependency on dancers
must acguire a long-term location for show
high cost to produce show
splits profits with financiers

Core Competence + Competitive Advantage

Based on the given case,  of CIRQUE DU SOLEIL includes the management and their employees and staffs. Their main competencies are the ability of the management to determine the possible demands of their target audiences in terms artistic entertainment. Ensuring the quality of their performances shown for their target audiences is another core competency of the company over their rival companies.

In addition, the ability of the company to efficiently control all its resources from their human, physical, and financial resources is another core competency that can be attributed to the management of CIRQUE.  The employees and staffs who are highly motivated and devoted to perform well during their performances are other important aspects for assuring the success of the company to enter Chinese audiences.  The highly trained performers are also a leap against their competitors. In this regard, the company has been able to gain loyal audiences from different parts of the world.  In addition, the marketing personnel of the CIRQUE have the ability to think of the most effective ways to market and promote their shows.

From the core competence aspects, one of the strengths of the company is their fast and intensive transfer of operational capabilities across the expanded markets, which allow the company to benefit from learning curve, operational and other cost reduction benefits. In addition, the company also has the ability to develop new innovative solutions to meet changing demand of the audiences at different parts of the world. From the portfolio perspective, the core competencies of the company are its experience of international operations.

воскресенье, 22 апреля 2012 г.


They want their audience to bring imagination, while challenge the senses and bringing out the emotions of people around the world. Their vision is to continually introduce a new and exciting show.
Strength: They are introducing and challenging the audience to a unique way of a circus experience. Their using of words, invoke, provoke and evoke people’s emotions. They start wanting to appeal to the audience and from there they will provide a show to intrigue and bring passion in the performance to everyone. They are focusing on the customer’s benefits.
Weaknesses: The statement is too vague; you don’t understand the business they are in. Though it is a powerful sentence it doesn’t say anything about their organization.
Degree of Rivalry
The existent intense rivalry is competing against the local live entertainment business. Some of the more competitive rivals within the entertainment art industry are opera, theatre, and Broadway. They are trying to get to some cities, and having to bid to make it in. Competition is not based on the price it’s based on the innovativeness, uniqueness that attracts the audience by drawing their interests.
Power of Suppliers
Because it’s such a large organization, Cirque du Soleil would never have the problem of suppliers taking over. There are many other options to get their resources from. Cirque du Soleil would provide so much profit to their suppliers they would not want to lose them as customer, and therefore keep their prices low.
Celebrities – It may not have as much power with a celebrity, they may name a price and Cirque du Soleil would not have much to say if there was a large demand for that person or group.
Power of Buyer
The media is a great force affecting customer’s decision. Therefore, Cirque du Soleil has to have effective marketing strategy in order to pursue customers to visit. They are also dependent on where the show is taking place. Customers are tourists, families, and children, general. 
Competitive rivalry
High capital requirements mean a company must spend a lot of money in order to compete in the market. High capital requirements positively affect Cirque du Soleil. …High sunk costs make it difficult for a competitor to enter a new market, because they have to commit money up front with no guarantee of returns in the end. High sunk costs positively affect Cirque du Soleil. …If strong brands(FRANCO DRAGONE) are critical to compete, then new competitors will have to improve their brand value in order to effectively compete. Strong brands positively affect Cirque du Soleil. …Advanced technologies make it difficult for new competitors to enter the market because they have to develop those technologies before effectively competing. The requirement for advanced technologies positively affects Cirque du Soleil. …Economies of scale help producers to lower their cost by producing the next unit of output at lower costs. When new competitors enter the market, they will have a higher cost of production, because they have smaller economies of scale. Economies of scale positively affect Cique du Soleil. …

пятница, 20 апреля 2012 г.


The  pestle analysis of Cirque du Soleil (Zaia) 
Intertainment In Macau
As We can see from the table the political changes in Macao were not significant, relationship with neighboring China as well as Hong Kong and other countries play a high role in the development of the country. As a special administrative region and a large entertainment center in Asia, it made ​​great financial international investments. public policy and local government support of the shareholders.
Macau - an open port, a major financial center. Macau produces and exports textiles. The textile industry brought to three-quarters of foreign exchange earnings. Also, the main production is fishing, and the tobacco industry. China together with Hong Kong - Macao's main trading partner. A significant place in the foreign trade of Macao has Japan. The tax system of Macau is based on progressive rates - the fixed rate is usually added additional social contributions or differentiated rates.
Growing role of Macao as financial center. Tourism represents two fifths of GDP area. Macau has paid much attention to gambling and tourism. As Macao's economy strongly depends on it, if the flow of tourists slowed down or even stop, this is a very strong impact on its economy. The government seeks foreign investment as a means of diversifying the economy. From the above, we can conclude that most of these factors, especially tourism industry both positively and negatively affects the development of my company.

Most of the population of Macao - the local natives or immigrants from the neighboring province of Guangdong but there are a number of immigrants from the Philippines and other countries in Southeast Asia, as well as migrants from more distant regions of China.
In Macau, very low levels of fertility, mortality and infant mortality. However - the second place in the world in life expectancy at a fairly high literacy level. Factor migration and population density can play a positive role in the service sector (in particular for my company) while maintaining diligent execution of the work.
But with population growth and migration, the question arises in the following areas: housing problems, education and health. For productive work of my company these aspects is important.

The technological factor with respect to my company can determine the following areas: transport advertising, online advertising, extra events, international market research services for the entertainment of the company more productive, international cooperation and international experience. Study and analysis the market demand and consumption. Abroad Events in the neighboring countries for more advertising and promotion of a product.
Changes may affect the company as positively or negatively depending on changes in legal factors on the regulatory authorities and processes in Macau
Some of the environmental factors (a typhoon) may influence negatively on the development of the company. Attendance in connection with natural disasters is reduced. Since the work of the company directly connected with the consumer - the audience

среда, 18 апреля 2012 г.

2 part . The Greiner’s Growth model

In my opinion the company Cirque du Soleil is a successful global company and was able to keep themselves and be competitive in the  world and Asian market of show business. based on the growth modelI think it is the fifth stage of cooperation where the mistakes have been made. The Greiner’s Growth  model
company could not stay on the market because of the rapid growth of competition.

Value Disciplines

based on the model, and Tracy Wiersem, every company must choose one of these disciplines, values ​​and act consistently and strongly in this direction. in my opinion working in (the company Cirque du Soleil), which is in my opinion a (Customer intimatsy), the company is doing well in terms of attention to customer service and working with customers by offering their services on individual basis and the reliability of close to the client.
and try succeed in operational excellence and quality. that was a big problem due to the growth competition based on the modelof Tracy and Wiersema (for example, Franco's Dragon Company) have done a better job of operational excellence is a basic value and focus on performance management proposal a reasonable quality for a low price. I think system changes are important, these factors have been ignored in my company, and more focused on product constructions lidership that was wrong.
the degree of compliance with the mandatory standard, the industry is determined by the company which applies it or by agreement between the manufacturer and user. Monitoring of compliance with mandatory requirements organizing agency has accepted this standard (Venetian) (City of Dream)
However, there is at least one major difference: The value of discipline according to the model, none of the subjects can not be ignored, because ignoring at least one, the company runs the risk of "getting stuck in the middle."